Toca Boca Trivia Quiz
The world of Toca Boca is always changing! But how well do you know it?
Every player of Toca Boca is unique, just like in real life! And with all these unique players, there are loads of ways to play the game and almost endless spots to explore! So if you think that you’re the Best of Boca or the Top of the Toca then jump on into this quiz and put those skills to the test! Let’s go! What are you waiting for?

What is the name of the festival in Toca Boca?

Where was the first European country to go live in Toca Boca Days?

Can you type out your own message on Toca Boca Days?

How many crumpets are in Bop City?

Which Japanese Sanrio character was in the game in 2022?

What animal is on the bottom of the Toca Boca Days skateboard?

Where do Toca Boca players get free gifts?

And what day of the week does it happen?

How can you find hidden crumpets?

What are the different areas called?

Oh dear! Okay, this isn’t quite the result you had in mind. You’ve not done very well on this quiz at all, but that’s okay you’ve got to start somewhere right? After all, it wasn’t as though you knew all of the controls to Toca Boca before you started playing! Practice makes perfect, so why not have another go at the quiz and see if you can score higher another time around?

Alright! Not too bad! You’ve clearly put at least some hours into the game and you’re not the kind of player that just runs into walls because they don’t know the controls! But that doesn’t mean you can’t get better or score higher! So why not have another spin at the quiz and see if you’ve got a few more right answers in the bag!

Awesome! You’re a Toca Boca expert! You know almost everything that there is to know about the incredible world of Toca Boca! You’re such a regular that they always save you a space at the Krill Grill! How about that!? But if you think you can get full marks, why not give the quiz one last try? You were so close before!

Blam! You’ve done it! There’s nothing quite like a perfect score to really show off how much you know! Well done! There aren’t many people in the world that could have nailed this quiz with such ease! You truly are right there at the Top of the Toca World, so enjoy the view! Looks pretty sweet right?! But what’s next? More quizzes? Or maybe a little rest, you’ve earned it!