8 Question Among Us Quiz!
How much do you know about this epic game?

Among Us | InnerSloth
What's the minimum number of players needed?

Which politician is famous for playing Among Us?

Among Us | InnerSloth
Where is the game set?

What's the name of the real-life game that Among Us is based on?

Among Us | InnerSloth | Shutterstock
What are the names of the two teams in Among Us?

Among Us | InnerSloth
What's the name of the spaceship the game takes place on?

How many maps are there currently?

How many downloads has Among Us had so far in 2020?

Among Us | InnerSloth
Amazing, you're a big Among Us expert!

Among Us | InnerSloth
Well done you must love Among Us!

Among Us | InnerSloth
Not bad, but you can always score higher! Try again!

Among Us | InnerSloth
Uh oh, looks like someone's an imposter! Never mind, you can always try again!