The Ultimate Dream SMP Quiz!
How much do you know about the Dream SMP?
People don’t talk about dreams much, do they? Whether we’re scoring the winning goal in the World Cup or our duvet is made of marshmallows, we’ve all had that dream where we’re at school. You know the one, where you’ve forgotten your homework, then a dinosaur pokes its hand through the window to pass you a pencil and a sheet of paper with all the answers written on.
Hang on, what if it wasn’t a dream? That would be pretty blam!
What’s all this talk of dreams for, anyway? Well, we’re here to talk about the gaming team, Dream SMP. They’re a group of YouTube gamers and Twitch streamers, who gather online to take part in epic games of Minecraft. By the way, the SMP stands for ‘survival multi-player’. That should give you an idea of how many people play together at any one time!
They originally called themselves Dream Team SMP before shortening their name, but they had a point; alongside the mysterious Dream (who owns the game server) is co-owner GeorgeNotFound and Callahan. It seems that a high calibre of gaming stars have passed through the virtual doors of the Dream SMP game house, including TommyInnit, Hannahxxrose, and newer members like Aimsey and Seapeekay.
On the game, they play as Minecraft versions of themselves and join forces in long-running games. Sometimes they fall out and play against each other, but it’s all in good fun and feels like you’re watching a reality TV show or an epic drama, with blocky heroes and villains roaming around instead of actors. As part of the Dream SMP Minecraft story, players games can end three times before they’re allowed to play as a ghost!
People who love Minecraft also love the Dream SMP gang, and create fan art and create their own songs! Their songs are so popular that Spotify listed the songs as part of a new genre called Dream SMP.
Are you part of their massive fan base? Do you think you know everything about Dream SMP? This ultimate quiz will test the knowledge of even the most loyal fan.
Are you ready? Then let’s go!
Good luck…

Seapeekay is a member of the Dream SMP team. What's his real name?

What does SMP stand for?

Who is Dream?

Is Dream a good guy or a bad guy?

Which of these is NOT a Dream Team era?

Which of these is NOT a Dream SMP Character?

What's a canon death?

Who of these is a member of the Dream Team?

How often does the SMP stream?

What else is Dream known as?

How many subscribers does Dream have?

Wow! You know so much about the Dream Team you should be part of it!

Well done! Are you clay himself? Either way, you've done great!

Well, you know a thing or two about the Dream Team but you could know more! Try again!

Oh no! Looks like you're pretty clueless about the Dream SMP! Never mind, have another go and see how you do!
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