What Percent Sans from Undertale Are You?
This simple Undertale quiz will reveal if you're totally Sans or not even a smidge like the skeleton rascal!

What's your favourite type of breakfast?

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe | Filmation Associates, Mattel
Who's your favourite skeleton?

Funny Bones | Ahlberg and Amstutz | Puffin
Which character from the Funny Bones story do you like the most?

Which city would you most like to visit?

What's your favourite video game?

What's your favourite song?

Where's your favourite place to have a big walk?

How important are naps to you?

Are you a tidy person?

What colour are your slippers?

Undertale | Toby Fox
You are: 100% SANS!
You couldn't be more like Sans if you tried. We're guessing you're actually Sans and just took this quiz to prove it.

Undertale | Toby Fox
You are: 50% SANS!
You're laid back just like this bony character. But the main difference is that you're covered in skin.

Undertale | Toby Fox
You are: 15% SANS!
There's tiny elements about Sans' personality that are similar – you like naps, for example – but that's about it!

Undertale | Toby Fox
You are: 1% SANS!
The only thing you have in common with Sans is that you have a skeleton. And that's it!