Which Minecraft Mode Should I Play?
Love Minecraft but can't decide which mode to play? Don't worry - we've made a quiz to help you choose!
DC Thomson | Frima Studios
It's Friday afternoon. What are your plans for the next couple of days?
What music do you listen to while playing Minecraft?
One Team | YouTube
Do you ever look at one of your Minecraft creations and wish you could live in it?
How do you feel after playing Minecraft?
What would you rename this pig if you were allowed?
Mojang | Microsoft
What skill do you have through playing Minecraft?
Mojang | Minecraft
Where do you normally play Minecraft, then?
Magmamusen | YouTube
What snacks do you think are essential to a Minecraft session?
Mojang | Microsoft
What kind of material would you never use to build something?
Mojang | Microsoft
How much planning do you put into a Minecraft build?
Mojang | Microsoft
You look outside and see a mob of creepers wandering about outside. Using your Minecraft skills, how do you deal with this?
How much time do you spend playing Minecraft each day?
Mojang | Microsoft
Creative Mode!
You enjoy the freedom of creating your own world with massive blocks using your imagination. There are no rules and everything you do is fun!
Mojang | Microsoft
Survival Mode
You're all about battling enemies and using things you find to further your quest!
Mojang | Microsoft
Hardcore Mode
This mode is for people who take Minecraft a little more seriously than the casual gamer!
Mojang | Microsoft
Adventure Mode
This mode takes in a little of everything: creative play, battling enemies and all that good stuff! Why's there a chicken here? Because they believe in you!