Which Pokémon Attack Best Matches Your Vibe?
Prepare yourselves, it’s time to do battle, but how would you do it?!
It’s pretty difficult to win a Pokemon battle without attacking, so let’s dig deep and find out which of the many attack styles fit best with your vibe! Will you be an upfront physical fighter, or will you harness the elements to win?! Let’s see! What are you waiting for?

Which time of the year is your favourite?

How do you start a battle?

Which is your favourite fruit?

There is a Pidgey in your living room, what do you do?

What type of music is your favourite?

What time do you wake up in the morning?

If you could be an animal from this list, which would it be?

The Poke Gym is closed, what do you do instead?

Team Rocket has stolen Pikachu, where do you look for them first?

How important is winning to you?

Poison Gas!
Nice! This is one of those sneaky attacks that is almost unblockable! A huge cloud of horrible gas makes it difficult for any rival to fight back, but don’t worry, once the battle is over, the gas passes away! You’ve got this result because you’ll do anything to win, even if some people think it might be a bit like cheating! Who cares?! Winning is everything!

Awesome! This is one heck of an attack! Using the power of bones, this attack is sure to send your opponents flying! Bonemarang is like a Boomerang, that famous Aboriginal technology, except this one is made out of bones! The great thing about this attack is that once it’s been thrown, it flies right back to your hand so you can do it all over again!

Bouncy Bubble!
Pokemon battles can’t just be about damage! The best Pokemon trainers need to keep their friends HP up, and that’s where the Bouncy Bubble comes in! This amazing skill regains a lot of HP for the team, and that’s super important! You’ve got this result because you’re the kind of person that always looks out for those around you - the safety of Pokemon always comes first right!?

Epic! This classic attack is a sure fire way to open up a battle! It blows opponents around with the full force of the wind, which if you’ve ever been out in a storm, is pretty powerful! Gust is one of those early Pokemon skills, but just because it’s classic, doesn’t mean it doesn’t get the job done! You’re a fan of the old school, and that’s probably why you’ve gotten this result, but if you think you can get a different result, why not give the quiz another try?