Which Pokémon Defence Best Matches Your Vibe?
They say the most important thing about a Poke Battle is defence, so what is your style?!
It’s one thing damaging the HP of rival Pokemon, but what about your own? They’ve got feelings too right! Keeping your team safe should be just as important, but what is your favourite way of doing that? Why not try this quiz for size and let us help you find the answer! What are you waiting for? Charizard is preparing to attack!

You’re faced with a much stronger rival, what do you do?

You’re lost at sea, what do you do?

What do you take on an adventure?

You’re lost in the woods, what do you do?

You’re down to the last Pokeball, who do you share it with?

What is your favourite colour?

A Seel has flopped into your house, how do you get it out?

The sun is rising on another day in Pallett Town - what is your first thought?

What is your favourite real-world animal?

Charizard is preparing to attack, what do you do?

Iron Defence!
Awesome! This move turns your Pokemon’s surface as hard as Iron, because if your opponent can’t get into the soft squishy insides, then there’s no way they can hurt you right? You’ve probably got this result because you’ve got a pretty tough skin, you don’t take things to heart and that’s what keeps you safe - but don’t forget, it’s okay and completely normal to say when you’re not feeling great!

Sometimes the best defence is to run away! It works almost every time! You’re the kind of Pokemon Trainer that isn’t ashamed to know when the battle is lost, and it’s time to get the heck outta there! Withdrawing is almost always the safest thing to do, it’s not cowardly, it’s called being careful! Nice one!

Ace! This is a classic move, in fact it’s the only move Metapod can do! It hardens your body so you're prepared to take any hit at all! Clench up, and prepare yourself, the hit is coming, so you better hope you’re ready for it! You’ve got this result because you’re the kind of person that is ready for anything, and you can deal with even the toughest situations, so long as you’ve had the time to prepare!

Stuff Cheeks!
It’s Greedent’s favourite move! So long as you've got a stock of berries this move is almost guaranteed to keep you and your Pokemon safe! You’ve got this result because in Pokemon, just as in real life, you never leave the house unprepared! You always tell people where you’re going, and you probably always have a few berries in your pocket! Right?