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Which Psychic-Type Pokemon Describes Your Intuition quiz

Which Psychic-Type Pokémon Describes Your Intuition?

Which Psychic-type Pokémon are you? Share your results and see if your friends’ intuitions match yours!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 10th 2025

Do you have mind-reading powers like Alakazam, mystical vibes like Espeon, or maybe an unpredictable sixth sense like Gardevoir? Find out which Psychic-type Pokémon best matches your intuition with this fun quiz! Answer these 10 questions and uncover whether your instincts are as sharp as a Confusion attack!

1/10 A person thinking

You have a weird feeling about something… What do you do?

2/10 A person thinking

Someone asks for your advice. How do you respond?

3/10 A person thinking

You walk into a room and sense a strange energy. What do you think it means?

4/10 A person thinking

How do you usually predict things?

5/10 A person thinking

If you could have a psychic Pokémon move, which one would it be?

6/10 A person thinking

Your friend makes a decision you know is a bad idea. What do you do?

7/10 A person thinking

What do you dream about most often?

8/10 A person thinking

How do you react when you know something bad is about to happen?

9/10 A person thinking

If you were a Psychic-type Pokémon, what would your main strength be?

10/10 A person thinking

Someone is telling fibs – how do you know?

Result: Alakazam

You’re an Alakazam!

Your intuition is razor-sharp, and you always seem to know things before they happen! Like Alakazam, your mind is a powerhouse of knowledge and instinct. You trust your gut, and it rarely lets you down.

Result: Metagross

You’re a Metagross!

Your intuition is all about logic and strategy. You analyze every situation carefully before making a decision, just like Metagross. Your intelligence is your greatest strength, and you always think five steps ahead!

Result: Espeon

You’re an Espeon!

Your intuition is deeply connected to emotions and the world around you. Like Espeon, you pick up on hidden energies and signs, making you a natural at predicting events!

Result: Gardevoir

You’re a Gardevoir!

Your intuition is driven by empathy and deep emotional connections. Like Gardevoir, you can sense the feelings of others and use your instincts to protect and guide those you care about.

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