This Airline Logo Quiz Is Plane-ly The Best!
Oh for flying out loud... you'll quickly get the hangar this epic airline logo picture quiz!
There are over 5000 registered airlines in the world - all with different logos! Some you'll definitely know, but some are a lot harder to guess. And that's exactly what you'll be doing with this quiz! We'll show you 10 tricky picture clues and you have to guess which airline the logo belongs to! A couple of these are HARD!
Ready to test that logo know-how? Well, strap yourself in and let's go!

Which airline has a 3 leafed clover as their logo?

What airline could be hiding behind this grey rectangle?

Which logo might have this crown as part of it?

Any ideas?

Is that a kangaroo on the logo? Hmmm!

Can you guess the logo?

What could JAL stand for?

Next up - it's this triangular thing!

Oooh it's a tricky one!

Last one! Any guesses?

Bah! Never mind. You never liked planes anyway, right? Oh well. Plenty more picture quizzes where this one came! Unless... you want another go?

Decent! You've been watching the skies! This is a good result - well done! You could probably do a bit better though - have another go? If not we've got plenty more quizzes where this one came from!

Wahoo! Very good score! You know loads of airline logos! Nice. You didn't quite get full marks though which is a bit of shame... but you can always have another go if you fancy! Or you can see if you can beat this score on a different picture quiz!

Yeeeeeah! 100%! Fantastic result! You couldn't have done any better at this! Amazing! Now, can you get another full house on a different logo quiz? There's only one way to find out!