Awesome USA History Quiz
Do you think you know American history? It's time to find out with this ultimate USA history quiz! Answer some questions and see if you can get a patriotic 100%!
Yeehaw patriot! How much do you know about the USA and its history? It's time to test yourself with this ultimate American history quiz! Answer some questions and see what you know! And if you liked this, check out more history quizzes here! What about this terrific Tudor quiz? Or if you're in the mood for more US history, we've also got a Jackie Robinson quiz! You might even want to tackle this European history quiz!

Who was the first president of the USA?

What was the common name that many indigenous Americans used for the USA before it was colonised (And is still used today)?

What was the name of the ship that brought many of the Puritan settlers to America in the 17th century?

What was New York called originally?

During the Civil War, the Union fought the...?

What is the name of Louisa May Alcott's most famous novel?

What year did Hawaii become an American state?

What is the name of Martin Luther King Junior's most famous speech?

What year did the USA get its first non white president?

Who wrote 'Sleepy Hollow'?

Darnation! You didn't get any answers right! But don't worry, you can always try again and fulfil the American dream!

Not bad, but we bet you know more about USA history than that! Have another go and see how you do!

Well done! You know loads about US history, and it shows! But can you get 10/10 next time? We believe in you!

Yee haw! You got 100%! That means you're a bona fide American historian, congratulations! This eagle is seriously impressed.