American vs British Slang Quiz
Are you the GOAT of US slang? We 'ardly Adam and Eve it! Test yourself on the best slang on both sides of the pond right here!
American and British slang have a lot in common - but are very different, too! So whether you're fluent in cockney rhyming slang or your US slang skills are GOATED - this slang quiz is sure to test that noggin!
Up 'fer it? Let's go!

If a British person says they are feeling “peckish,” what do they mean?

If an American says they're "pumped" - what do they mean?

What's usually worth more, 10 quid or 10 bucks?

Translate this British slang word into American: "Loo"

In cockney rhyming slang, what does "let's have a butchers" mean?

If you've "flunked" something, what have you done?

Is "begooberoasting" US or UK slang?

Languages always influence each other. Which of these UK words comes from a non-English language?

Which of these USA slang terms means something good?

Translate "knackered" into American English:

Oh no! Too bad! This is kinda sucky (is that US slang?) - you should probably brush up on your US/UK slang skills and then come back to try again! The slang of these two countries has a lot in common, but if you want a high score you'll have to try again! Good luck!

Decent! This slang quiz score ain't half bad! You clearly know what's uyp when it comes to US and UK slang! Nice job! You didn't quite get a high score on this quiz, but not far off! Have another go and see if you can score even higher next time?

This is a bangin' score! Nice work! You clearly know your stuff! This is nearly the perfect score! You very almost got full marks - you just missed one or two right answers. Do you know which ones? Now - let's see if you can beat this score on a different US/UK quiz! We've got loads more!

Amazing! You got every single question right! Fantastic score! Jheeeeez! You nailed all 10 or these questions! Perfect! Now, you can't top this high score - but you might be able to match it on a different US/UK quiz! We have loads more where this one came from!