Are You Smarter Than Young Sheldon?
Sheldon is pretty smart, but are you smarter?
Now don’t forget, there are many different types of smartness. Some people, like Sheldon, are very good with numbers - but not so good at having a friendly conversation or putting up shelves! Both types of smartness are important, and just because you’re not good at one thing, doesn’t mean you’re not good at the other! But let’s give this quiz a whirl anyway, and see how the results stack up!

Which period of time interests you the most?

What is your favourite food?

What is your favourite subject at school?

If you could be an animal, what would you be?

Where is your happy place?

When do you wake up in the morning?

Which colour suits your mood today?

If you could only listen to one genre of music for ever, which would it be?

Young Sheldon smashed school, but what are your hobbies outside of learning?

The weather is getting cold, what do you wear?

100% Smarter Than Sheldon!
Boom! They said it couldn’t be done, but according to these results, you’ve got a brain with a power far greater than Young Sheldon! In fact, your knowledge of the world around you is so strong that you might even be smarter than Adult Sheldon!! How about that!? So with all this knowledge, why not try your hand at some of the trivia quizzes we’ve got on the site?

50% Smarter Than Sheldon!
Blam! According to these results, you’re at least 50% smarter than Sheldon! You’ve got the big brain to beat the best of them and you can hold information in like a true genius! You might miss some bits occasionally, but that’s just because of how much you’ve got filling up your brain! Besides, it’s also completely okay to take a break from being a genius, after all, there is no need to show off!

25% Smarter Than Sheldon!
According to these results, you live your life in a heightened state, and you’re constantly aware of what’s going on around you. You can hold most information that you get told, and you’re able to bring it out whenever you need it! But sometimes you still have off-days where you’d rather just watch TV, and that’s fine!

0% Smarter than Sheldon!
Amazing! You’ve got the brains of Sheldon when it comes to number crunching and the world of logic! Well done! With a brain like yours the world is open to you, so get out there and grab it! But make sure you’re not making other people feel daft while you’re at it! Great work! Being just as smart as Sheldon, even young Sheldon is a pretty big mood!