Could YOU Be The Boss of Beano?
Do you have what it takes to be the boss of Beano? We doubt it - but answer these ridiculous quiz questions and maybe you'll prove us wrong!
Being the editor of a much-loved, successful comic is hard work. The perfect person needs to be smart, good-looking, inspiring, great at ping-pong (ok that's enough, Ed). You see, it's not just writing fart jokes and sitting on whoopee cushions all day, by the way - you'll have to make lots of big important business decisions too*.
So, do you think you're up to the job? Before you send us your CV, have a go at this quiz and see if you've got what it takes!
*Although it is mostly fart jokes, to be honest

Which one of these things is the funniest?

What time do you wake up in the morning?

Why would you like to apply for a job at the Beano?

Someone just wrote a rubbish joke for the Beano. What do you do?

Pick a storyline for Dennis:

Choose a prank to feature on the front page:

What experience do you have as a big business boss?

You have a deadline coming! What do you do?

It's time to book an office party! Where will you go?

A different comic has stolen your ideas! What do you do?

You could be the Boss of Lawnmower Weekly!
You probably don't have what it takes to be the boss of Beano. But don't give up on your career in print just yet! You'd be a perfect editor for Lawnmower Weekly! Great! Just send your CV and a list of your favourite lawnmowers to Lawnmower Weekly, Grass Street, Weedbury. But if you think we've got this wrong and you could handle working for the Beano after all... have another go at this quiz! Who knows, maybe the lawnmower thing is just a phase?

You could be the Junior Assistant Tea Oik at the Beano!
So you could handle a job at the Beano... but not the Boss, unfortunately! You're much too normal for the Editorial team. You would make a perfect Junior Assistant Tea Oik though! Your tasks would include de-furring the computers, scraping down the carpets and of course, making lots of piping hot tea! Sound like fun? If not - have another go at this quiz! You got this, tea oik!

You could be the deputy editor of the Beano!
You have what it takes to work at the Beano - but not quite the top spot! As deputy, you're in charge of actually running the show: making sure the comics get printed on time and stopping the office from burning down (again). And you have exactly the right sense of humour and hardworking patience to do it - you just don't get as much money or credit! Sorry! Still got your eye on the top spot? Have another go at this quiz!

You could be the boss of the Beano!
Congratulations! You have what it takes to be the boss! You have exactly the right sense of humour to make it to the top - and just the right level of laziness to enjoy yourself! Because if you're stressed out, you're not going to do a good job, are you? Well done, boss! And yes of course... we'll get back to work right away, sorry boss...