The BIG Beano TRUE or FALSE Quiz!
Now's the time to prove you're the BIGGEST Beano fan EVER with this tricky True or False trivia quiz!
We're celebrating a big birthday - the Beano is 85!!! Can you believe it? Time just flies by when you're having fun! We've put together a fun quiz to test your knowledge of Beano history, and there are only two options each time! It's fifty-fifty - can you step up to the challenge?
Stick around for more comic-based shenanigans! Try our ultimate Minnie the Minx quiz, see how well you know the Bash Street Kids, and see if you know everything about Beanotown!

True or false - Beano first appeared in 1938?

Dennis the Menace was the first character to appear in the comic!

"Beano" means to have a party or a good time!

More than 400 characters have appeared in the Beano!

There are more than 1,000 surviving copies of the first Beano ever!

The first Beano cover star was Minnie the Minx!

Dennis the Menace first appeared in 1951!

The Beano offices were originally in Glasgow!

The Beano published extra issues during World War 2 to keep spirits up!

The Beano is the world's LONGEST running comic!

Oops - looks like you need to learn more about your Beano trivia! Don't worry, there's always time to have another go!

Not bad! You definitely have some Beano knowledge! Why not try again and see if you can bring your score up?

Good job - you sure know your stuff! Why not have another go and see if you can get a perfect score, though?

Wow, a perfect score! You're the biggest Beano fan EVER!