Beano’s Big Birthday Quiz!
Can you name these old and new Beano characters?
Test your Beano knowledge!

Only one person in this classic crowd is named Wee Peem... but who is it?

What's the name of this cheeky character?

Can you name this fancy fella?

Who's this tiny terror?

This bird has been around for eighty years! Can you remember his name?

Who's this clever clogs?

Can you remember the name of this famous bear?

This nasty villain has a name - what is it?

Do you know this guy's name?

Tell us who this is!

A classic Beano character is in the process of being created... can you remember his name?

This teacher has a strange name - do you know what it is?

Who's this character from the very first Beano?

This adventurous guy has a cool name, but what is it?

This large lad featured in the earliest Beano issue - tell us who he is!

AAGH! Who's this terrifying beast?

Can you name this terrible toddler?

What's the name of this smartypants?

This sleepy chap has been around for a long time! You'll need to remind him what he's called.

A fresh Beano face... who is it?

No Beano! Flip through those pages again and see if you can do better!

You really know your stuff - or you're really good at guessing!

That's a pretty perfect score! Keep on being SO BEANO!