Have You Got the Intellect for Our Brilliant Bentellect Quiz?
How much do you know about social media star Bentellect? It's time to find out, because we've put together the ultimate Bentellect quiz! Can you get the highest score?
Are you Bentellect's biggest fan? There's only one way to know for sure if you're this funny social media star's ultimate expert! Take this quiz all about him and find out now! Good luck!

Bentellect | YouTube
What's his real name?

Where was he born?

What's he best known for?

Bentellect | YouTube
How often does he post?

Bentellect | YouTube
How tall is he?

When is his birthday?

Bentellect | YouTube
True or false: he also makes music?

Please add image credits here
Which platform is he biggest on?

Which of these is one of his talents?

what does he do in his videos?

Nooo! You've failed this Bentellect quiz! Bad luck! But maybe if you try again, you can get a higher score? Have another try and see!

Not bad, but you'll need to do better than that to get full marks on all things Bentellect! Try again!

Nice job! You're clearly a big Bentellect fan, and it shows! Can you get full marks next time though? There's only one way to find out!

Woah, full marks! You're officially a Bentellect expert! No one can beat you! Except maybe Bentellect himself? Well done!