Don't Get Rattled By This Bone Quiz!
Do you know which bone connects to which bone? Then this is the quiz for you! See how welly ou know the framework of the amazing human body!
Bones! They're the framework of our entire bodies, but how much do you really know about them? This quiz will see if you're a smarty-pants, or if you need to get back to class! Don't forget to try the rest of our quizzes - see how much you know about the human body, or have a laugh with some ankle jokes!

Where will you find your bones?

What's the word for all your bones together?

What's the large series of bones inside your head called?

True or false - you have no bones in your fingers?

What are the bones that make up the sides of your chest called?

What is the big bone in the middle of your body called?

How many bones are in your thigh?

How many bones are you born with?

What do you call a doctor who specialises in bones?

Where will you find the smallest bone in your body?

Oh no - looks like you have a lot to learn about how the body works! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go!

Not bad at all - you know a thing or two about the human skeleton! Well done! But can you get a perfect score next time? Come back later and see!

Very good! You know LOADS about the human body, especially the bones - well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score! Well done! You know SO much about bones, maybe you'll be a top doctor one day!