Brooklyn and Bailey Quiz!
Think you know everything about these YouTube twin sisters? Take the quiz and find out now!
Let's do this!
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
What is Brooklyn and Bailey's surname?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Are we seeing treble? Who is the person standing between Brooklyn and Bailey?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Who is two minutes older? Brooklyn or Bailey?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Their mother Mindy is a successful YouTuber. What's the name of her channel?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Brooklyn and Bailey featured in their mum's YouTube videos before making their own. True or false?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
In which state were Brooklyn and Bailey born?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
The twins released their first single in 2017. What was its title?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
What's the title of their most popular YouTube video, with over 66 million views?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
What is Bailey's favourite colour?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Before they found fame on YouTube, what was their dream job?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Oh no! Better luck next time!
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Good try! Why not have another go?
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Great work! You're clearly a fan of Brooklyn and Bailey!
@brooklynandbailey | Instagram
Wow! You're either a massive fan, Brooklyn or Bailey – or both!