Capitals of South America Quiz
South America is a big place full of amazing countries, but do you know their national capitals?
It’s time to test your knowledge, and there’s only one place to do that, and it's right here! So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump into this quiz and see how well you can do, great geographers need to start somewhere - so why not here! Good luck!

What is the capital of Brazil?

Sucre is the capital of Bolivia, but what does the word ‘sucre’ mean in French?

Which of these is the capital of the Falkland Islands?

What is the name of the Ancient Inca capital?

Which country is Bogota the capital city of?

Santiago is the capital of which long and thin South American country?

Venezuela is in the north of South America, but what is the name of its capital city?

If you answered Chile for the long and thin question, well done - but which mountain range runs through the country?

Just above South America is what we call ‘Mesoamerica’ - which ancient civilisation built this structure?

What is the capital of Paraguay?

Oh dear, it looks like you haven't done so well on this quiz! But that’s okay! You can’t be amazing at everything the first time around! So pick yourself up, and why not have another go? We believe in you, do you believe in yourself?! You've got this!

Nice! Well done! You’ve done pretty well on this quiz, but there is always room to improve - quite a lot of room actually, but don’t worry! A journey of a thousand miles starts with little steps! So stick with it, and why not give this quiz another go? You might surprise yourself!

Awesome! You’ve done really well on this quiz! There aren’t many people that know this much about the capitals of South America so you should be pretty pleased with yourself! Give yourself a pat on the back, you’ve earned it! But what’s next? You could try out some of the other quizzes we’ve got on the website, or maybe even give this one another effort?

Blam! You’ve crushed this quiz! There’s literally nothing that’s beyond you when it comes to South American geography! You’ve made it to the top of the leaderboard with ease, and that’s worth celebrating - great work! So take a deep breath of success, you’ve earned it!