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Chad Wild Clay Song Quiz

Chad Wild Clay Songs Quiz!

Clad Wild Clay isn't just funny. He's also thinks he's a talented musician. Have you heard his songs?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Did Chad Wild Clay really write a Katy Perry parody song called "This is How We Poop"?

@chadwildclay | YouTube

What parody is this Clad Wild Clay screenshot from?


3/9 Follow up question: Who sung the original song?

@ChadWildClay | YouTube

What did Chad Wild Clay do to Silentó's dance track "Watch me (Whip/Nae Nae)"


Who's Chad Wild Clay pretending to be in this screenshot?


Which one of these YouTubers HASN'T been the subject of a hilarious Chad Wild Clay roast song?

@chadwildclay | YouTube

What happens next in Chad Wild Clay's video for the parody song "Messy and I know it"?


What's wrong with Chad Wild Clay's bum in "Booty Pop Song"

@ChadWIldClay | YouTube

What's special about his Selena Gomez parody "Hands off myself"

@ChadWildClay | YouTube

Epic Fail! Have you been watching YouTube with the sound on mute again? 

@ChadWildClay | YouTube

Not bad! You might be a Chad Wild Clay fan. Keep trying to become a superfan

@ChadWildClay | YouTube

You Winner! Hang on, are you actually Chad Wild Clay!? Chad, how many times have I told you not to play quizzes about yourself. It's cheating!