Christmas Food and Drink Quiz From Around The World!
Do you have a fancy for festive food and drink quiz? Then put your skills to the test with these Christmas food quiz questions!
Christmas is a time for spending time with family and friends, making cards and gifts, telling festive jokes, watching lots of Christmas movies and tasty food!
While some people in the UK will no doubt be tucking into turkey and Brussels sprouts, other families around the world will be feasting on very different kinds of food.
How much do you know about Christmas food traditions around the world? Test your festive knowledge and take this tasty quiz!

Which country celebrates with an Advent Dinner every Sunday of Advent?

Where might people eat a 'Wigilia supper' at Christmas?

Where is eggnog drunk?

In which country would you probably eat your Christmas dinner outside or on the beach?

Which of these is a typically eaten meat at Christmas in Greece?

What is ‘Byrek me kungull dhe arre’?

Which country invented the dessert ‘White Christmas’ made from coconut oil and dried fruit?

What shape do people in Belgium make the festive bread ‘Cougnou' into?

In Brazil what are the main ingredients of the Christmas salad ‘Salpicão’?

What does the milky Chilean Christmas Drink ‘Cola de mono’ mean?

In what country would you eat spiced pickled herring called ‘Julesild’ at Christmas time?

What is ‘Moro de guandules con coco’?

Where would you eat ‘Thirteen Desserts’ at Christmas?

What is the festive dish of smoked, cured roast pork called in Iceland?

Which cake do Italians often eat at Christmas time?

Amazing! Your Noël nosh game is on point... a PERFECT score! Time to baste the turkey and steam those puddings! Well done!

Pretty good! Not quite a perfect score, but you certainly know your festive food, a fantastic result! Well done!

Not so hot! While not a total turkey, you could do better... never mind! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh dear! It seems when it comes to Christmas food trivia you're more chump than champ! Never mind... why not retake the quiz and improve your score?