Unwrap This Tricky Christmas Logo Quiz!
For big companies, Christmas is a time to make lots of money - but can you recognise the logos?
Around Christmas time, there is a big rush to get your logos seen by people who might want to buy your things! Many companies do a special Christmas version of their logos to help them - so using your big brain and human skill, can you beat this quiz and tell the logos apart from each other? Let’s give it a go! You probably know more than you think - but there’s only one way to find out, and that’s right here! So buckle up, it’s logo time!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

What is this logo?!

Uh Oh! Not your finest result, but that’s ok - these companies are only trying to sell you stuff anyway! The real meaning of Christmas is being around the people you care for, and it doesn’t matter if you haven’t got the fanciest presents or the brand name gifts - it’s about friends and family so don’t worry! You could always try the quiz again if you want to get a higher score!

Alright! You’ve shown you clearly know your stuff, this is a very respectable score! You know your logos apart and that’s important - you never know when someone might try to trick you! Why not have another go and see if you can get 100% - after all, there's always room for improvement! Let’s go!

Epic! What a great score, you've got an excellent knowledge of these company logos! But remember, Christmas isn’t about how many branded gifts and presents you have, it’s about spending time with the people you care most about! Take the time to be thankful for what you have, not for the fancy brand names, they’re not really that important after all!

Wow! You’ve smashed this way out of the park, so far it’s frozen in the cold of the atmosphere and is falling back down as snow! Well done! But remember, Christmas isn’t just about brands and logos, it’s about being thankful for what you have and sharing good times and memories with the people you care the most about! You can do quizzes as a team, don't forget! Well done though, you’ve done really well here and you should be proud - 100% isn’t an easy thing!