14 Question Christmas Movie Quotes Quiz!
How much of a Christmas film expert are you? We've compiled this expert quiz to test you! Take our Ultimate Christmas film quote quiz and see how many answers you get right!
Think you know your Elf from your Home Alone? Well, it's time to find out, with this epic Christmas movie quote quiz! And if you need more Christmassy goodness, why not check out these Epic Christmas Facts! Or for more Christmas film fun, we've got this Home Alone 2 Quiz! And if you need even more movie magic, we've also got this Christmas Film Emoji Quiz for a real challenge!

'God bless us, everyone!'

'Would you please tell him that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back'

'Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings'

"No matter how different a Who may appear, he will always be welcome with holiday cheer."

“I am a cotton-headed ninny muggins!”

'Light the lamp, not the rat! Light the lamp, not the rat!'

"Don't Forget The Fire Extinguisher"

'We're walking in the air'

"Now wait a minute, Susie. Just because every child can't get his wish that doesn't mean there isn't a Santa Claus."

'What's this? What's this?'

“The thing about trains… it doesn’t matter where they’re going. What matters is deciding to get on.”

“A toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child.”

“If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love, actually, is all around.”

“It’s Christmas Eve. A time of mystery, expectations, who knows what might happen.”

Amazing! You know these films so well you probably watch them all year!

Nice job! You obviously love nothing more than a good Christmas movie!

You got a couple right, but you need to watch a lot more Christmas films if you want to score higher!

Uh oh, looks like you've failed this festive film quiz! Never mind, it's just a good excuse to go back and watch the films all over again!