Clare Siobhan Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
You'll have to be a Clare SIobhan superfan to get 100% on this quiz! Answer these questions and find out how you stack up!
Do you subscribe to this epic gaming Youtube channel? If you do you'll know what she's all about - and if you don't, you'll need to be pretty lucky to get all these questions right! Ready to find out how much you know about her? Of course you are!
Let's go, then!

What game does Clare play most?

What fruit do you think of when you think of Clare?

Who is Clare's favourite Sim?

What house has a graveyard?

Clare's husband is also a Youtuber. Who is he?

Clare is a big fan of which one of these bands?

What's the name of her dog?

Where does the Sims version of Clare live?

Where is Clare from?

Which of these things does Clare NOT do?

Oh no! Bah! Too bad! Looks like you need to brush up on your Clare Siobhan skills! Never mind. Better luck next quiz, eh?

Pretty good! Clare *seems* impressed with this score... although you did miss out on a few correct answers! Can you work out where you went wrong? Maybe you can beat this score on another quiz?

Very good! You know loads about Clare! You must be a subscriber, right? SHame you just missed out on full marks thogh - fancy trying another Youtuber quiz and seeing if you can get 100%?

Perfect score! You nailed this quiz! Is there anything about Clare Siobhan you DON'T know? If there is - we don't want to hear it! Want to get full marks on another Youtuber quiz? We've got loads to choose from!