How Much Do You Know About Classic American Children’s Literature?
It’s time to see how well you know the great American classics! Are you booksmart, or will it be a total tragedy?
Bookworms, get ready for a real challenge! You’ve probably read some of the great British children’s classics, like Alice in Wonderland, The Wind in the Willows or The Chronicles of Narnia – but how much do you know about the American classics? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! And don’t forget to try some of our other booktastic quizzeds when you’re done! Find out which book genre you are, or which famous literary character you’re most like!

Who was the author of Little Women?

What kind of animal is Charlotte from Charlotte's Web?

Nancy Drew is a famous what?

What game does Pollyanna play?

True or false – Anne of Green Gables is an American series?

Which author wrote Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Which of these books is NOT by Jack London?

Who are the boy detectives who appeared in their own series, and crossovers with Nancy Drew?

Which Broadway musical is based on a book of poems by T.S. Eliot?

How many books are there in L. Frank Baum's original Oz series?

Oh no! Looks like you've got a lot to learn about the American classics? Hey, look on the bright side – it's a great excuse to go and read them all!

Not bad at all! Seems like you know a thing or two about the great American classics! There's room for improvement, though – why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Very good! You're obviously a bookworm, and you know a lot about the children's classics of the USA! Well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score – absolutely amazing! You're a huge fan of classic literature, and it looks like the American classics are your favourite! You should be proud of yourself!