Can You Clean Up This Clutterbug Quiz?
If you love to tidy and you're all Marie Kondo'd out, Clutterbug is your new fave! See how well you know the method!
It's good to keep your space tidy for so many reasons - you can tell where everything is, you've got more space to move around, and it's better for your mental health! But let's be real, it can be a real chore sometimes! Luckily there's lots of influencers who can help you get the job done, and Clutterbug is one of our faves! If you're into her insect-themed tidying methods, take the quiz and earn the badge of true Clutterbug fan! Don't forget to check out some of our other stuff, too - we bet you'll love some hoover jokes, or some laundry jokes - or take the total opposite road and get grossed out with these DISGUSTING facts!

What's the name of Clutterbug's founder?

What is a clutterbug?

How many different organising types are there?

Which of these insects ISN'T a clutterbug type?

What country is Cas from?

Cas has done a TED talk - true or false?

Which of these is not a category of clutterbug?

What type of organiser is Cas?

What is a Bee's biggest struggle?

How many kids does Cas have?

Oh no! Not so tidy here! Don't worry, you can always take the quiz again and up your score!

Hey, not bad! You're obviously a Clutterbug fan! Why not try again and see if you can bring your score up?

Good work - you obviously love Clutterbug! Why not try again and see if you can bring your score up?

Absolutely PERFECT - you're the biggest Clutterbug fan EVER!