Countdown to Christmas: How Excited Are You?
Are you super-stoked for the start of the festive season? You will be by the end of this quiz!
Everyone's excited for Christmas - right? But does the thought of the holiday season put butterflies in your stomach - or are you somersaulting backwards with glee? There's ony one way to know for sure - answer these questions! And if you weren't that excited about Christmas before, you will be by the end of this!
For more festive fun, find out how much you know about A Christmas Carol, test your Christmas history knowledge, or take a punt at these Christmas Would you rather questions!

When did you start thinking about Christmas?

Do you already know what you want for Christmas?

What's your favourite thing about Christmas?

Pick a Christmas tradition:

What's your ideal Xmas meal?

Which of these would you rather?

After Christmas, whats your favourite holiday?

When you get really excited, what do you do?

What would you do if...Christmas was cancelled?

How are you going to spend your December?

You're up to 1,832,898,872 on the Christmas excitement-o-meter! It's only supposed to go up to 10!

You're REALLY, REALLY excited for Christmas!
Woah! You're mega excited - you're up to a 9 on the Christmas excitement-o-meter! You could maybe be a TIIINY bit more excited, but to be honest that would be dangerous.

You're pretty excited!
You really like Christmas, but you're a pretty chill person and prefer to play these things cool. You're probably more excited that you're letting on though!

You're not excited for Christmas! Well, you say you're not excited...but nobody believes you really. It's Christmas! Everyone loves Christmas!