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Countdown To Christmas: How Festive Will Your Christmas Be?

On a scale from full of festive cheer to total Grinch, where are you? Answer these Christmassy questions to find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Christmas is coming! But how Christmassy do you feel? Are you already full-pelt mince pies and snowmen? Or are you not quite feeling it yet? Find out your exact level of festiveness with this extra-daft Christmas quiz!

Top tip: Still stuck for Christmas gift ideas? Not sure what you want? Have a look at the Beano's official shop! You won't regret it!


Pick one:


What do you think of pigs in blankets?


Pick a Christmas song:


What Christmas movies will you be watching this year?


Do you own a Christmas jumper?


When do you start listening to Christmassy music?


Which of these things do you do?


Pick a hat:


What are you having for pudding on Christmas day?

@roberteblackmon | giphy

What's in your stockings?

Super, ultra, mega festive!

You're on your way to the most festive Christmas EVER! In years to come you'll back on this year and think to yourself... wow. That was maybe TOO festive! But until then, you just enjoy the festivities! And if you're looking for some gift ideas, you could do a lot worse than the Beano shop! Check it out using the link at the top of this quiz!

Really festive!

Phew! You're heading for a VERY festive Christmas! You're going all out this year - and good on you! You can't be TOO festive (or can you?) And if you're looking for some gift ideas, you could do a lot worse than the Beano shop! Check it out using the link at the top of this quiz!

Pretty festive!

You're heading for a nice, medium-festive Christmas! And there's nothing wrong with that - sometimes things can be TOO festive. Maybe? And if you're looking for some gift ideas, you could do a lot worse than the Beano shop! Check it out using the link at the top of this quiz!

Not festive at all!

Oh no! You're set for a positively Grinch-like Christmas! But it doesn't have to be this way... try this quiz again for some ideas to make your Christmas the best ever! And if you're looking for some gift ideas, you could do a lot worse than the Beano shop! Check it out using the link at the top of this quiz!