Danny Gonzalez: The Tea Is For Trivia Quiz
Danny Gonzalez is one of the most normal YouTubers out there, but how well do you know him?
Lots of YouTubers are a bit fake sometimes, they make stuff up and seem to put on a character that isn’t real - but not Danny! Danny is one of the few people that it seems like they really believe in what they do! Cool right? But let’s test your knowledge and see how well you know his stuff!

Where is Danny Gonzalez from?

What platform did he start on?

What kind of videos does he usually do?

He also makes loads of great music, but what was the name of his song about a drink?

He was once a Spooky Boy, but now he’s a…

What is his best friend’s name?

What is Danny’s nickname?

What platform does Danny use to share videos?

According to the song, who did he ghost?

What colour is his hair?

Oh dear! Okay, so you’re not the Gonzalez GOAT, but heck, that’s alright! Of course, you might be an actual goat, which explains a lot about why you haven’t done so well on this quiz! But if you are really a human, then maybe it’s time to check out Danny’s videos again and have another go?

Alright! Now we’re really getting somewhere! You’ve got the knowledge to go places when it comes to questions about Danny Gonzalez - well at least to get somewhere along the way! There is definitely room for improvement, after all, there always is, but you’ve got quite a lot of space to improve… So why not have another try and see if you can get a better score!? You’ve got this!

Amazing! This is what we’re talking about, you’ve got a very strong knowledge of Danny and his videos! Nice work! You should be proud of how far you've come! But do you think that you can go further? If you do then you should give it a whirl and try this quiz out one last time, you never know, you might become a true expert?!

Wow! You’ve done it! You’ve knocked this quiz so far out of the park it’s spun all the way around the world and is threatening to bash into the back of your head! Be careful! You’ve gotten every single one of these questions right and that is very very impressive! Take a bow, because there isn’t anything else that you need to know about Danny Gonzalez! Nice!