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Try This Roarsome Dinosaur: True or False Quiz!

Can you tell the difference between these 10 dinosaur facts and lies? Take this T-riffic quiz and find out for yourself!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Dinosaurs may be everyone's favourite extinct animals, but there's still a lot of fake dino news flying about. Do you think you can spot the difference between these true and false dino facts? Take this quiz and see if you can work out what's what!

Up for the challenge? Then let's get quizzing, dinofans!

1/10 A triceratops munching leaves

Dinosaurs are the oldest animals ever. True or false?

2/10 A lizard hanging out

Dinosaurs were reptiles, like modern lizards. True or false?

3/10 A chicken and a dinosaur

Some dinosaurs had feathers. True or false?

4/10 A very large dinosaur shouting

Dinosaurs were on Earth for MILLIONS of years! True or false?

5/10 A dinosaur dancing

There was no such dinosaur as Stonklesaurus. True or false?

6/10 A dinosaur footprint

Eugongbusaurus is a real dinosaur. True or false?

7/10 A dinosaur chasing a pineapple

Dinosaur means "terrible lizard" in Greek. True or false?

8/10 A dinosaur eating leaves

Most dinosaurs were veggie. True or false?

9/10 A grumpy whale

The biggest animals to have ever lived were dinosaurs. True or false?


Birds are descended from dinosaurs that didn't go extinct. True or false?

Bah! Noo! This not your best work! You seem to have swallowed some made-up dinosaur nonsense! Unlucky! Have another go and see if you can nab a few more right answers! Better luck next time, dinofan!

Pretty good! This is a nice score! You clearly know a lot about dinosaurs, but didn't quite manage a high score. Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go and see if you can score a bit higher!

Great! Wahoo! You really know your stuff... nothing gets past you. Well, not much does anyway! You almost got a full house here, do you know where you went wrong? This is a great score but can you beat it on a different animal quiz? We lots more to try!

Amazing! 10/10! Fantastic - this is the perfect score! Well done - you know loads about dinosaurs! You weren't falling for any of those trick questions! You can't improve on this perfect score, but do you think you can match it on a different quiz?

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