Test Your Brain, But Don't You Strain With This Dr Seuss Quiz
Dr Suess is one of the best authors out there, with so many wonderful stories, but how well do you know them!?
It may be said, that all books you’ve read, would be better in rhyme - if only you had the time! Now Dr Suess is the same, so let’s play a little game, to see how much you know, from the Lorax to the Cat in The Hat, to the mountains of the Grinch all covered in snow! Let’s go!

Where is Dr Seuss from?

What character famously wears a hat?

What colour is the Grinch?

How many ‘Things’ are there?

Was Dr Suess a real doctor?

Who hears a Who?

What kind of animal is Horton?

Green Eggs and what?

What colours are on the cat's hat?

What is the name of The Grinch's pet dog?

Uh oh! Not your finest work here, but that’s ok, there are a lot of different stories and books by Dr Seuss so it would be really impressive if you knew all of them! So don’t worry! Why not have another go and see if you can do better, perhaps Thing One and Thing Two might be able to help, go on, give them a call!

Nice! Not bad, now we’re getting somewhere, you clearly know a Thing One and Thing Two about Dr Seuss’ amazing stories. We still think that you could probably score higher though so why not have another try, you never know you might ace it this time?! Let’s give it a go!

Alright! Now we’re talking you know almost everything there is to know about this wonderful author. Are you the kind of person that speaks in rhyme whenever they can? We think you might be! What a great score, but do you think you can score even higher? Why not have another try and see if you can score 100%?

Wow! Who knew it was possible to get full marks on this quiz?! We certainly didn’t but you’ve proved us so wrong it’s unbelievable! Incredible work, you’re the brainiest one of the bunch, so brainy that The two Things look to you for help, and they’re pretty clever themselves! Great work, soak it up, this is what glory feels like!