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Will You Get an Egg-cellent Score in this Easter Picture Quiz?

How much do you know about Easter? Will you be able to get a perfect score by following these visual clues?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Easter Picture Quiz

1/10 An Easter cake

What type of cake is this?

2/10 Statues on a grassy island

Where are these mysterious statues?

3/10 Chocolate bars

Which chocolate is missing?

4/10 Birds eggs

Which bird lays eggs that look like this?

5/10 Primroses

Name the flower 

6/10 Lamb

Which baby animal is this?

7/10 Easter Egg

What type of easter egg is this?

8/10 Jesus riding into Jerusalem

Who's riding into town?

9/10 Hot cross buns with question mark

What's this?

10/10 Easter Bunny with question mark

What's the easter bunny delivering?

Eggcellent result

Eggcellent! You're an Easter eggspert, with eggceptional eggtelligence! Ok, I'll stop now

Well done result

Very good, you've got a sharp eye! The Easter Bunny would be impressed! Probably, I dunno, I've never met him.

Try again result

Well, you know Easter's about chocolate but that's about it! Try again and see if you can score any higher!

Bad luck result

Oh no, looks like you're more a Halloween person! Never mind, only 6 months to go!