Can You Get 100 Percent On Our Emoji Brand Quiz?
How's your emoji expertise? See if you can decode our secret messages and find the famous brands!
Brands! They're everywhere, and you know more about them than you think! You probably know your emojis inside out, though - let's see if you can tap into your hidden brand knoweldge and get 100% on this emoji quiz! Don't forget to check out our other emoji quizzes - see if you can guess the pop group, the cartoon or even the celebrity!

What's this popular tech brand?

What about this magical entertainment brand?

What about this social media site?

What about this confectionery company?

How about this online megacorp?

And this app?

What about this famous series?

And this car company?

How about this web browser?

And finally, this maker of frozen treats?

Oops, looks like you're not the expert on emoji brands! Maybe have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Not bad! You know a few things about emojis! Maybe have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Hey, good job! You know your emojis! Maybe have another go and see if you can bring your score up to perfect?

Wow, we've got an emoji expert here! Here's a special crown for your awesome score!