Famous Pigs in Films and TV Quiz
Think you know these Hollywood hogs? Test your knowledge of these famous pigs from film and TV with this ridiculous animal quiz!
So, think you're an expert in famous pigs of the big screen? We'll see about that! This quiz is all about testing how much you know of the world's most loved pigs! From Babe to Hamm, this quiz is good enough for Miss Piggy!
So what are you waiting for, fellow pig-fan? Let's get going!

Which famous pig was raised on Hoggett's farm?

In the Muppets, who is Miss Piggy's boyfriend?

Which series of books, TV shows and movies is this pig from?

What's the name of Peppa Pig's younger brother?

What's the name of the evil pig in the Angry Birds movie?

What type of pig is Pumbaa?

What is the name of the pig sidekick in Disney’s Moana?

What's the name of the pig in Toy Story?

What is the 2nd Babe movie called?

What is the pig called in Gravity Falls?

Oh no! Too bad! This is not your best work! You didn't score very highly on this quiz... are you more of a cow person? Never mind, we have lots more quizzes - or you can try this one again and see if you can score a bit higher!

Nice! Piglet is pretty impressed! This is a good score - it's not 10/10, but it'll do. Do you want to score even higher? Then let's try this quiz again and see if we can improve your piggy knowledge! Good luck!

Very nice work! This is a great score! You almost got every single question right! Well done! You can have another go and see if you can get 100% - or you can see if you can beat this score on a different quiz! Good luck!

Wow! You got every single question right! Well done! Theres nothing you don't know about famous pigs! Great work! You can't beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different film and TV quiz! Up for the challenge? Let'sgo!