Friends Halloween Quiz
How much do you know about the spookiest bits in the TV classic, Friends? Take this quiz to find out!
Friends is funny, silly, and sometimes a bit romantic. It's not scary though - unless you count the mild spookiness of Friends Halloween! So we've made a quiz all about the spooky parts of Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Joey and Chandler's lives!
Do you think you can ace this quiz? Sure you can! Good luck!

How many Friends Halloween episodes are there?

What season is the Halloween Part episode in?

Who does Phoebe argue with in the Halloween episode?

Who does Joey dress up as in the Halloween episode?

What vegetable does Ross dress up as?

“Spidnik” was a pun on “sputnik”. What was a “Sputnik”?

Phoebe dressed up as Supergirl - true or false?

What space object does someone dress up as?

There might only be one proper Halloween episode, but which of these events are there lots of Friends episodes about?

There is another Halloween episode called “The One With The Giant Pumpkin”. True or false?

Bah. Oh dear. This is not your best work. You should probably have another go and see if you can score a bit higher! If you think this Friends Halloween quiz has defeated you though, we have lots more quizzes for you try!

OK! This is a pretty good score! Not bad at all - you know a fair bit about this Halloween episode of Friends, but you might be able to score a bit higher if you have another go! Up for the challenge? Otherwise we have lots more great TV quizzes for you to try!

Wow! Ross and his Spudnik are very impressed! This is almost a perfect score - you just missed one or two right answers, do you knwo which ones? This is a great result - but do you think you can beat it on a different Friends quiz? Let's find out!

Amazing! You know loads about the Halloween episode of Friends! Well done! You got every single question right! Fantastic score! Now - do you think you can beat this score on a different Friends quiz? We have lots more!