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Friends Season 8 Quiz - The One Where You Quiz?

Lots of people say that season 8 was the best one, but how well do you know it?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Friends is an old show now, it’s from a different time, but people still really like it! So if you’re one of those people and you think you’re an expert on season 8, then step right up to this quiz and prepare for the challenge of your life! Let’s see if you can get every single question right? Have you got it in you!?

Friends | YouTube

In episode 1, who does Ross end up dancing with?


This season is all about having a baby, but who is actually pregnant?


Who does Monica think is stealing her clothes in episode 7?


What famous Hollywood actor stars in ‘The One With The Rumour’?


What does Phoebe get Monica and Chandler as a late wedding gift?


Which one of these is a real episode name?


What does Phoebe use to read her future?

Friends | YouTube

In episode 19, ‘The One with Joey’s Interview’ - which magazine is he talking to?

Friends | YouTube

What is the name of Rachel’s child?


What does Joey do right at the end of the season?

Friends | YouTube

Oh dear! It looks like Friends is simply too ancient to remember! It’s one of those shows that even if you watched it when it came out, sometimes the jokes are so forgettable that well, they get forgotten! So don’t worry, you might not have scored very well here, but that’s nothing to do with you! Friends Season 8 just wasn’t good enough for you to remember!

Friends | YouTube

Alright! You’ve done okay here - you’ve managed to recall some of the key bits of Season 8! Feels pretty good right?! Now there is still room to improve if you want to have another go and see if you can score higher, but you could also just as easily try your hand at something else on the site? The world is your oyster, oh wait, was that season 6?

Friends | YouTube

Awesome! You know pretty much, but not quite, everything that there is to know about Friends Season 8! Nice one! Whoever said that Friends was forgettable? Not you, that’s for sure! Well done though, you’ve shown that with a big brain comes big rewards and you’ve got them here! Great work! But there is still some room to improve, you only just missed the full marks trophy! So why not have one last try, or maybe even do something completely different! It’s up to you!

Friends | YouTube

Amazing! You’ve knocked this so far out of the park it’s spun all the way around the world and thwacked you in the back of the head with a big knowledge BANG! Well done! You know literally everything that there is to know about Friends Season 8, there’s nothing else worth knowing and that’s a fact! Great work! So as you enjoy the glory of this success, think what is next? Another quiz, a nice walk? A cup of tea? It’s all up to you!

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