G Shock Quiz For Geniuses Only!
G-Shock watches are cool as heck, that’s a fact - but how much do you know about them?
They’re fashionable, and they’re meant to be some of the toughest watches out there, but are you a G-Shock genius or do you just follow fashion? Do you really know all the things these watches can do? There’s only one place to find out and that’s right here! So let’s get into it! Now is the time!

What company owns G-Shock?

What does G-Shock stand for?

If you answered Casio to question 1 - well done! But where is Casio from?

When was the first G-Shock released?

What is the minimum water resistance of a G-Shock watch?

In 2020, how did G-Shock prove to people that it was strong enough to withstand anything?

The newest models of G-Shock watches include what?

What is the maximum time a G-Shock’s battery can last?

What inspired the shock absorbing design?

When did G-Shock watches get a light in them?

Oh dear! It looks like you’re more of an antique pocket watch kind of person! You haven’t done very well on this quiz, but that’s okay! You can always improve, right? The good thing about G-Shock watches is that they almost last forever so you’ve got plenty of time to do better! Why not have another try and see if you can score higher?

Pow! Now we’re talking! You’ve got a pretty solid knowledge of the amazing watches that G-Shock makes and you’ve definitely got your favourites! With knowledge like yours you can spot a fake a mile off! But if you really want to show off to your friends that you’re the G-Shock genius then why not have another try at this quiz and see if you can get full marks? There’s always space to improve!

Awesome! You know pretty much everything that there is to know about the many different G-Shock watches! On top of that! You know all about the company itself and how these incredibly tough watches came to be! Nice one! You’ve gotten really close to 100% on this quiz but you’ve just missed the mark - if you want real bragging rights then maybe you should try this quiz one last time?

Nailed it! Wow! There’s literally nothing you don’t know about G-Shock watches! It’s almost as if you’re secretly a designer for these wonderfully timeless timepieces! Or maybe you’re just a genius? Only you know, but regardless of how you got this incredible score - nice work! So what’s next? There are loads of other quizzes on the site, why not try your genius at those too?