Only Logo Experts Will Ace this Hard Logo Quiz!
How well do you know famous brand logos? Take this quiz to see if you're a total expert!
Companies put a lot of time and care into designing eye-catching logos which people will learn to recognise easily. So that's why this quiz is so fiendish! We've taken 10 world famous logos and have disguised them to see how many you really know. Are you ready? Let's lo-go!

Let's start with a fairly easy question. Which logo is this?

Which logo is this?

Can you name this app?

What about this one?

Who's this?

Can you name this logo for another point?

Can you build your score by another point by naming this brand?

What about this bright logo?

What about this one?

For one final point, can you tell us which game this is?

Oh no! It was a pretty hard quiz, wasn't it? Not the result you wanted? Why not have another go?

Good try! Some tricky questions, weren't there? Not to worry. You can always have another go. Are you ready?

Great work! Some tricky questions in this quiz but you did really well. Why not have another go? You might do even better!

Wow! You're some kind of logo expert and probably found this quiz too easy!