Which Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos Character Are You?
Which Harvest Moon: The Winds of Athos character are you? Let's find out by taking this personality quiz! Choose some random stuff and we'll tell you who you are!
Harvest Moon: The Winds of Athos is nearly here and its time to find out which character you are! Answer these questions and we'll tell you exactly who in this quiz! And if you liked this, we've got more gaming quizzes here! Why not find out which Switch game you should play? Or how about this Pokémon sword character quiz! We've even got this Toad or Yoshi quiz!

What's your favourite way to chill out?

Pick a colour

What do you look for in a friend?

Choose a location

Pick a Harvest Moon location

What's your best skill?

Pick a shape

Pick a hobby

Which of these is your worst trait?

Pick another game

You're Westley! Just like Westley you're a good leader and always make sure you know exactly what's going on - although you can also be fun and easy going too!

You're Judy! Like Judy you love animals and nature! You're always happy to help out, even if you have a bit of a sharp tongue sometimes!

You're Arnold! Like Arnold you're a gentle soul who loves music! You can be a bit shy but you also love helping people when they need it!

You're Ella! Just like Ella you're artistic and love getting creative, and you're also an optimist who always sees the bright side of everything!