Henry Box Brown Quiz: How Well Do You Know Him?
The story of Henry Box Brown is an incredible one... but just how much do you know about him? Take our special Black History Month quiz and put your skills to the test!
Henry Box Brown had a remarkable life story. Abolitionist speaker, magician, showman... but d'you think you're up to the trivia task of 10 questions about brave 'Box' Brown himself? Then press on! For more Black History Month, be sure to check out our Ultimate Martin Luther King Quiz or our epic Florence Price Quiz!

How did Henry Box Brown get his name?

Where did Henry Box Brown mail himself, in order to achieve freedom?

Where was Henry from?

When was he born?

How long was Henry's postal journey in the box?

The box arrived and was received by members of the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee on what date?

What mail company did Henry use to send himself?

What country did Henry move to, following the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which increased pressure to capture escaped slaves?

After settling in England, Henry became an author, a speaker and a what?

After gaining his freedom, Henry Box Brown published his autobiography - what was it called?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! You really know your history. A fantastic result, well done!

Pretty good! While not an absolutely PERFECT score, you certainly know your history! A very impressive result, great job!

Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh dear! It seems you may want to do a little reading up on your history! Never mind - why not try another Black History Month Beano quiz?