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Higher or Lower quiz

Can You Answer These Higher or Lower Quiz Questions?

We give you a statistic and you decide if the actual number is higher or lower. Are you ready to play?

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 21st 2024
Scored 100%
1/10 Mount Everest

Mount Everest is 22,530 feet tall. Is it higher or lower than that?

2/10 Manchester United badge

Manchester United have won the Premier League 21 times. Is the actual number higher or lower?

3/10 A pile of apples

An apple is 90% water. Is the real number higher or lower?

4/10 The earth wearing sunglasses

The world's population in 2019 was 5.674 billion. Is the correct number higher or lower?

5/10 A pineapple shouting at the sun

The Earth is 73 million miles from the Sun. Is the actual number higher or lower?

6/10 Google question

On average, 5.1 billion Google searches are made every day. Is that number higher or lower?

7/10 Instagram question

6.5 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day. Is the actual number higher or lower?

8/10 A hand clutching a gold medal

At the end of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, the USA had won a total of 2620 medals since they began. Higher or lower?

9/10 A man counting cola drinks in his mind

A total of 1 billion Coca-Cola drinks are served every day. Is the real number higher or lower?

10/10 A red post box wearing sunglasses

Around 8 billion addressed letters are delivered in the UK each year. Is the actual number higher or lower?

Result – Oh no

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Result - good try

Good try! Why not have another go? This rubber chicken believes in you!

Result - Great work

Great work! You did well!

Result - Wow

Wow! What an amazing effort!