Cool Quiz
So you think you're pretty cool, huh? You probably are - but let's double check anyway!

What would you rather watch on TV?

Pick a snack:

Would you wear these trousers?

@billieeilish | instagram
What are you listening to right now?

@jonnysworld | giphy
Pick a sport:

What's your favourite cereal?

@originals | giphy
Which of these slang phrases sounds the LEAST stupid?

What time do you wake up on Saturdays?

How do you wear a baseball cap?

Your PE teacher slips up on a banana peel you just dropped. What do you do?

You're not cool at all!
Oh dear. Did you answer water polo for question 5? This is awkward.

You're pretty cool!
You're cool enough to be interesting and popular - but not so cool that you're annoying. Nice.

You are THE COOLEST person probably EVER. At least the coolest person to have taken this quiz, which is still LOADS.