How Well Do You Know Ariarne Titmus Quiz?
How well do you know this future swimming legend? Go for gold with this awesome Olympic quiz!
She's already made a splash at the Tokyo Olympics, having come super close to breaking some massive records before the Games have even started! She's definitely an athlete to watch - but how well do you know her really? It's time to find out - and when you're done, check out our Ultimate Sports Quiz for more stuff like this!

Where is Ariane from?
2/20 If you answered Australia - you were right! She's from Tasmania. Where's that on this map?

Everyone knows Ariarne is a swimmer, but what type of swimming has she done best at so far?

@cbc | giphy
Did Ariarne take part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro?

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
How many Gold medals does Ariarne have?

@katieledecky | instagram
Who did Ariarne beat in a surprise victory in the World Championships 400m?

@deezer | giphy
How does Ariarne get ready to swim?

And how does she like to relax after a competition has ended?

After swimming, what's Ariarne's favorite sport?

@rafaelnadal | instagram
And who's her favourite tennis star?

Who is Ariarne's coach?

Ariarne is the Australian record holder for what lengths?

Ariarne is the 2nd... what?

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
What is her nickname?

@schwarzenegger | instagram
If you picked the Terminator, you were right! But why is that her nickname?

What International swimming club is Ariarne part of?

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
What's her favourite quote?

Her birthday is the 7th September. What star sign does this make her?

@guavajuice | giphy
Where has she won most of her gold medals so far?

What does Ariarne wear to every final?

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
Oh dear! Did you get this quiz mixed up with an Ariana Grande one? Never mind - try another!

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
Not bad! Bronze medal for you! Ariarne looks a bit annoyed, but this is still a a decent score!

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
Nice! Silver medal for you! Can you get gold on a different sporting quiz?

@ariarnetitmus_ | instagram
Woooo! You got Gold! Nailed it... Ariarne is very pleased!