How Well Do You Know the US Flag?
Do you know your stars from your stripes? It’s time to find out with this challenging American flag trivia quiz!
It’s THE most famous symbol of the United States – but how much do you actually know about the American flag? This tricky quiz will test your knowledge of American history and symbolism – you’ll have to be super smart to score high! And don’t forget to try our other quizzes when you’re done – see how well you know the flags of Asia, or try this SUPER hard global flags trivia quiz!

Which country does the US flag represent?

What are the main colours of the flag?

What are the patterns on the flag?

How many stripes are on the modern US flag?

And how many stars?

What do the stars represent?

And how about the stripes?

True or false: the American national anthem is named after the flag?

When did the US flag first appear?

How many versions of the US flag have there been?

Uh oh! Looks like it's no stars for you on this one! Don't worry, it was a tricky quiz – and when you have another go, you're sure to score higher!

Not bad at all! It's a tricky quiz, and you did well! We just know you can score higher, though – why not try again and see?

Very good! You know a lot about the US flag – like, a LOT a lot! Well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

Wow, a perfect score – all fifty stars for you! This is a tricky quiz and you absolutely ACED it! Well done!