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This Internet Acronym Quiz Will Make You LOL!

Do you know your IRL from your CMIIW? FWIW this quiz is a great way to test those online slang skills! UwU!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

The internet is a pretty confusing place, even without all the slang! But it's a natural human thing to make up new words, and they usually start when someone is too lazy to write the whole sentence out. But can you work out what each of these acronyms mean? You've probably seen some of them before... but can you guess them all?

You'll have to spend WAY too much time online to get 100%!

Ready to test yourself? Let's go!

1/10 LOL

Let's start off easy! What does this one mean?

2/10 BRB

And what about this one?

3/10 FTW

When would you use FTW?

4/10 IIRC

Ooh... what could IIRC mean?

5/10 MFW

MFW means My Face... what?

6/10 SMH

Any guesses?

7/10 TYSM

Oh another one with 4 letters! Tricky! Have you seen this one before?

8/10 YOLO

When would you use YOLO?

9/10 OMG

How's about this one?

10/10 TIL

Last one! What could this one be?

Bah! No more internet for you! This result is big yikes. You'd better have anpther ho and hope you score a bit higher next time! Good luck, you'll need it! But if you'd rather try a different quiz, we have plenty of others!

Bah! No more internet for you! This result is big yikes. You'd better have anpther ho and hope you score a bit higher next time! Good luck, you'll need it! But if you'd rather try a different quiz, we have plenty of others!

Pretty good! This is a decent score, you clearly know a thing or two about the internet! You did miss out on a few right answers, fancy having another go and seeing what you get next time?

Pretty good! This is a decent score, you clearly know a thing or two about the internet! You did miss out on a few right answers, fancy having another go and seeing what you get next time?

Wahoo! Amazing! You know loads about online sland and acronyms! Really well done! You didn't quiiiite get full marks, but never mind! Have a go at another quiz and see if you can beat this score on that one instead!

Wahoo! Amazing! You know loads about online sland and acronyms! Really well done! You didn't quiiiite get full marks, but never mind! Have a go at another quiz and see if you can beat this score on that one instead!

Amazing! Full marks! You nailed this quiz! Is there any acronym you don't know the meaning of? We don't think - and if there is, we don't want  to know it either! Now, can you hit 10/10 on a different internet quiz? We have lots more to try!

Amazing! Full marks! You nailed this quiz! Is there any acronym you don't know the meaning of? We don't think - and if there is, we don't want to know it either! Now, can you hit 10/10 on a different internet quiz? We have lots more to try!