Ultimate iPhone Quiz: How Well Do You Know the iPhone?
Are you an iPhone expert?
Ultimate iPhone Quiz: How Well Do You Know the iPhone?

What year did the first iPhone come out?

What does the 'i' stand for?

Which of these is NOT a model of the iphone?

How many iPhones have been sold in total?

True or False: The iPhone is banned in Hungary?

How many iPhone users are there worldwide?

What year was the first iPhone prototype invented?

Apple won't allow movies to do what with their phones?

How many phones does Apple sell a year?

Which model of iPhone was the first without a headphone jack?

Wow, you know loads about iPhones! Are you secretly Steve Jobs?

Well done, you know all about iPhones!

You know a couple of things about the iPhone but there's loads more to learn! Try again!

Uh oh, you don't know much about iPhones! Maybe you're more of an Android fan? Have another go!