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Jazzy June Quiz!

Will you hold the calendar crown? Take this quiz and find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

The Sun is high in the sky and the world is getting ready for the summer to really begin! So what better way to kick it all off than by putting your knowledge to the test?! If you think you're the Master of the Month then why not prove it!? See if you can score full marks and show your epic quiz skills!


Which Month comes after June?


What was the Ancient Roman word for June?

3/10 A dog in a hat

The Anglo-Saxons used to call June ‘Sera Monath’ - what does that mean?


If you were born from the 22nd of June to the 22nd of July, you are a Cancer sign - but what animal is that?


Which famous tennis championship happens in June?


In June 1162 Thomas Becket became the Archbishop, but of where?


Henry the 8th was born in June, how many wives did he have?


In June 1989, Sally Ride became the first American woman to go where?

9/10 A Milky Way chocolate bar in space

June is named after the Roman Goddess Juno, but also a spacecraft - which planet was it headed to?


On 15th of June 1215, King John signed the Magna Carta, what was that?

Uh-oh! Looks like this quiz didn't quite come out the way you might have hoped! But no sweat! You can always give it another whirl, take a deep breath, imagine those beautiful flowers of June, the sun shining on your face and let’s jump back into this quiz!

You're doing awesome! June is clearly your month, but guess what? There's always room to score higher and perfect your art! Why not give it another go and aim for an even higher score? But if you're a bit bored of months, why not have a look at some of the cool animal quizzes we’ve got on the site! You might learn something new!

Wow, is there anything you DON’T know about June? Maybe just a little bit! With your quiz brain you can very nearly call yourself the expert, but not quite! So if you're up for a challenge (or just love calendars), why not go prepare yourself for another time shot? We believe in you! Give it another go and see if you can smash this quiz and become the Month Master!

Boom! You did it! Perfect score, there isn’t anything you don’t know about June! You've got this calendar quiz life down to an art! Take a moment to celebrate your victory, then why not explore some of our other month-themed quizzes? Are you ready to conquer those too and become the ultimate calendar champ? Remember though, you can always have a try at some of our animal or history quizzes while you‘re here, especially now you’re on such a roll!