How Well Do You Know LazarBeam? Quiz
How much do you know about this YouTube gaming celeb? Take this quiz and test your trivia!
Good luck!

@lazarbeam | Twitter
LazarBeam is clearly a nickname. What is his real name, then?

LazarBeam | YouTube
Which country does he come from?

LazarBeam | YouTube
Before becoming a gaming personality, what kind of videos did he make?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Science question now. What is laser an acronym for?

@lazarbeam | Twitter
Who does this YouTube award belong to?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
If a Beano measures 1cm in height, how tall is LazarBeam in comics?

LazarBeam | YouTube
What phrase does he have tattooed on his inner arm?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
What are you likely to hear LazarBeam say during a game stream?

LazarBeam | YouTube
LazarBeam is famous for only playing Minecraft while standing up. True or false?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Which of the following LazarBeam YouTube videos has had the most views?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Oh no! Better luck next time!

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Good try! Why not have another go?

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Great stuff! You're clearly a fan of LazarBeam!

@lazarbeamyt | Instagram
Wow! You're a LazarBeam expert!