Test Yourself With This Lewis Leigh TikTok Quiz!
Put your Tik-Tok knowledge to trhe test with this twinkle-toed Lewis Leigh quiz!
He's a cheeky chappie that is VERY good at dancing - but how much do you know about this wholesome Tik Toker? Where is he from? What is his nan's name? Take this quiz and let's find out!
Good luck - this quiz *might* be harder than it looks!

Where is Lewis Leigh from?

What kind of videos does Lewis make?

What is his Gran's name?

What's going on here?

Who is he dancing with here?

Which of these restaurant chains did Lewis used to work for?

Which HUGE American TV show was Lewis' videos featured on?

What's his dad called?

Both of his parents were dancers - true or false?

Which of these places has Lewis NEVER made a video from?

Bah! Tough break! Lewis has seen better scores than this - you should probably watch a few more of his videos and then come back to have another go at this quiz! Better luck next time!

Pretty good! You know your stuff! You didn't quite get a high score though - do you know where you went wrong? Take this quiz again and let's see if you can beat this score! Better luck next time!

Amazig! This is a really good score! You know loads about Lewis Leigh! Top work! You very almost got 10/10 - do you know where you went wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different Tiktok quiz! We have lots more!

P-p-p-p-perect! Amazing! This is a 10/10 score! You know absolutely everything there is to knwo about Lewis Leigh! Well done! You can't beat this result, but you might be able to match it on a different Tiktok quiz. We have lots more where this one came from - are you up for to the challenge?