LittleBigPlanet Quiz!
How much do you know about LittleBigPlanet? Let's find out with this epic trivia quiz all about the best game ever made! Can you get 10/10?
Are you ready for a Little Big Planet quiz? Let's find out! See if you can get 10/10 answering questions all about this epic game! And if you enjoyed this, there's more gaming quizzes right here! How about this Roblox Ride the Cart Simulator quiz? Or how about this Fortnite Festival Mode quiz? You might even be ready for this Fae Farm quiz?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
What sort of game is LittleBigPlanet?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
When was the game launched?

What's the name of the playable character?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Who makes the game?

Which of these is a real LittleBigPlanet game?

How many emotions does Sackboy have?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Which of these is NOT a Sackboy emotion?

In Sackboy: A Big Adventure, what do you have to collect?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
True or false: Stephen Fry does voices in the game?

Which of these worlds was planned but never released?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Bad luck! You didn't manage to get any questions right on this LittleBigPLanet quiz! But don't worry, you can always have another go!

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Not bad, but we know you can do better than that on everything LittleBigPlanet! Try again!

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Good job! We can see you're a megafan of the game! But are you ready to get 10/10 next time?

BigLittlePlanet | Sony
Brilliant! You're truly LittleBigPlanet's best player, because you scored 100%! Congrats!